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Some tutorials are intended for the evaluation version, while others will require the full registered version.

Because some tutorials require a specific feature, check each tutorial for the minimum required SusProg3D version.
In all cases, the latest V5.150F (Build 1689.5) will be OK.

bulletBasic suspension geometry - get going with the evaluation version
bulletBasic suspension geometry - using the example from Herb Adam's "Chassis Engineering"
bulletConverting 3D Coordinate Measuring Machine data to SusProg3D upright coordinates
bulletConverting 3D Coordinate Measuring Machine data to SusProg3D strut dimensions
bulletRecirculating steering calculations

The Excel tutorials use Excel V16.0 and SusProg3D V5.106A
Check the supported versions of Excel here.

bulletUsing Excel to graph SusProg3D data
bulletUsing Excel to compare changes to "base line"
bulletCreating Excel worksheets for front and rear suspensions
bulletCreating Excel worksheets for LH and RH data
bulletReading input data from Excel, doing the calculations, and exporting the calculated data back to Excel